Mission Call

Mission Call

Monday, November 2, 2015

Find Joy in the Journey

Hello All! 
It's been such a crazy and great week! TRANSFERS ARE THIS WEEK! We got our calls yesterday, and then a call from President for a special little instruction... Sister Bench is staying in Harpers Ferry and training a new Sister Missionary! And... I'm leaving... I'm going to be serving in Martinsburg AND I'll also be training a new Sister! New Sister and a new area!!! I'm freaking out... a lot. AHH!! Poor little missionary.... we're just going to be so lost together. But I just have to have faith. Heavenly Father is going to make it possible. I don't know how I will be able to do this, but I do know that I can do this with His help. It might not seem like a big deal to y'all, but I have no idea what I'm doing still ha-ha. I've only been out 4 1/2 months. I'm still new. So this will be an adventure! If you want to send me any mail, wait until I can get you my new address next week, or else I won't be getting any of that mail anytime soon. Thank you!
Now that my little freak-out moment is over, let me tell you about our week! We now have a total of EIGHT investigators! I'm going to have to say goodbye to all of them today and tomorrow :( But they're all doing so well! We had a zone training this last Tuesday and we really hit hard on inviting people to be baptized! By inviting someone to be baptized, we're fulfilling every aspect of our purpose... SO Sister Bench and I invited 34 people to be baptized this week and most of them were random people we talked to on the streets! AND we've been able to find new investigators because of it! It's been so cool! It's really made me want to be more bold and loving when I talk to everyone, because that's really what we're about! Our purpose is to bring people closer to Christ and the best way to do that is by helping them be BAPTIZED! And it's not about the numbers that come into the church, but it's about the people who get to grow and progress and find that eternal joy and happiness that only comes through this gospel. And it's awesome. 
One of our investigators and her daughter fed us dinner twice this week, so that was pretty cool! I'm going to miss them a lot. I'm known as the crazy cat lady at their home :) 
Although I'm leaving my area, I am going to try so hard to be a challenging and testifying missionary. I know that the Spirit is the only way to teach these people, so I'm going to invite it by testifying and help them act on it by challenging, and it's going to be great. Let's hope my new missionary has lots of faith, because we're going to need it! I'm going to learn so much from her! 
So, my favorite part about this week was SISTERS CONFERENCE! And I have a billion pictures, so sorry, but not really. The theme of Sisters Conference was "Find out Why" And we talked lots about why we are in the Maryland Baltimore Mission and why we are on the earth at this time. We really got to talk about our potential as women and we read over President Nelson's last conference talk "A Plea to My Sisters" and I encourage all you women out there to read it. It's our time to "speak up and speak out" and I know that we are the ones who will change the future and influence generations to come for the better. And because of this conference, I'm now starting a "Reasons Why" journal where I write down one thing each day that I think is a reason why I'm here right now. So, I'm going to give you some quotes from the conference that I just loved:
This first quote is from a book Sister Bench and I gave Sister Christiansen, "Life can be tricky, there isn't a doubt. You'll skin your knees trying to figure it out. But life works together, the good and the bad, the silly and the awful, and happy and sad, to paint a big picture we can't always see... 
"Remember that next time a day goes all wrong... to somebody else, you will always be STRONG.
"you're here for a reason. If you think you’re not, I would just say that perhaps you forgot-a piece of the world that is precious and dear would surely be missing if you weren't here. If not for your smile, and your laugh and your heart, this place we call home would be minus a part." AWE! How adorable :)
"I just love when the Elders tell me how stellar the Sisters are. I smile and think, 'Yeah, I know.'" -Sister Christiansen
"Sometimes I wish we ONLY had Sisters..." -President Christiansen
"Breathe in Faith. Let out Fear." - Sister Moore
"You are the reason Christ came to the Earth. You are wanted by your Heavenly Father." - Sister Moss
"We grow as we serve. There is no growth in a comfort zone; there is no comfort in a growth zone." - Sister McCabe
"Be like a cork! Pop right back up!" and "Don't forget to tell your face you're having fun." - Sister Wright
That's all for now :) 
I also wanted to say congrats to my awesome investigators! So many of them are working through such tough times and I've been able to witness them truly relying on the Savior and doing things they never thought they could! And I'm so happy for them! 
Also, Happy Late Halloween! I hope you all had fun :) I got to go to a couple trunk or treats with our investigators :) Lots of them came and it was a blast! I have so much candy... people literally throw candy at the missionaries during Halloween time... it's the best ;) 
I also got to see my Favorite Mission Family yesterday to say goodbye! We had another Nerf Gun war ;) I'm going to miss them like crazy! 
Lastly, I want you all to know how grateful I am for my family. We've had a rough few years, but I couldn't be more grateful for them. They helped me feel important. They helped me know I was loved. And I couldn't have asked for anything more than that.
Thank you for all the love and support! I've definitely been able to feel your prayers! I hope you have a fantastic first week of November! I love you all! 

Shout-out! Happy 23rd Birthday to my big sister Karli on the 7th!!!! YAY!
#YouKnowYou'reAMissionaryWhen your knees are constantly bruised from praying.
P.S. Training a new missionary in a new area is also known as "a fate worse than death"... Wish me luck! 


Sister Humphrey

Also, my scripture of the week is 1 Nephi 3:7
and quote, " You become who you want to be by consistently being who you want to become each day."
Sister Humphrey

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